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Shop Our Silk Products

CPALI supports local artisans to produce unique, handmade wild silk and raffia textiles found nowhere else in the world. Crafted along the rainforests of Madagascar, our non-spun textiles are produced using a fly-free method that conserves vital rainforest area without harming silkworms or other native species. Malagasy farmers raise and harvest the silkworms themselves and refine the final products into shimmering, beautiful silk textiles that can be sewn, embroidered, painted, or made into jewelry or other goods. These products are marketed under the brand, Tanana Madagascar.


Wild Silk: A Children's Book by Tim Barclay

Wild Silk by Tim Barclay is a book for middle school age children about silkworm farming and textile weaving in rural Madagascar.  The story takes place in 2025 where twelve year-old Jean is asking his grandfather, Rakoto, to explain the silkworm project he helped start thirty years ago.  A bright, inquisitive boy, Jean keeps interrupting his grandfather, asking questions. Rakoto’s answers often bring forth more questions as Jean tries to figure out the whole process of silkworm farming, textile weaving and the environmental conservation results of the project.  The book is illustrated with color photos on each page.


Wild Silk, Silkworm Farming in Rural Madagascar, © 2016 by Tim Barclay.

32 pp.  Cost: $15.00 plus shipping. 

Order from Tim Barclay, 20 Stonehedge Road, Lincoln, MA 01773.

Landy Dia, a Malagasy version, is also available at the same price.

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